Estate Planning Basics Seminar

Tues, August 29th at 6:30PM

Green Hills Library Center, Community Room 1

8581 N Green Hills Rd, Kansas City, MO 64154

Click here to see additional dates and times

Why Should You Attend?

We will discuss some of the following:

  • How to choose between a Will or a Trust. Learn the pros and cons of both.

  • How probate works but more important, what are probate costs and how can I avoid or minimize court, attorneys’, and executors’ fees?

  • How to leave property to children; yes, there is a right way and wrong way!

  • How to provide for Special Needs children and grandchildren.

  • Nursing home costs: protect your next egg and how to plan before you need care.

  • How to avoid an expensive guardianship proceeding if you become legally incapacitated or disabled.

Meet Our Presenters . . .

Jeffrey L. Easterday
Estate Planning Attorney

Jeffrey Easterday has been serving the estate and tax planning needs of clients in the Kansas City area for nearly two decades. In 1995, he affiliated his law practice with that of Parman & Associates, one of the Midwest’s leading estate planning law firms. His goal is to help the firm’s clients preserve their wealth by avoiding probate, minimizing taxes, and protecting them if they ever become incapacitated, thereby insuring they are never a burden to their families.

Joseph Esry
Estate Planning Attorney

Joseph joined Parman & Easterday in 2017. He is serving the estate, business, and tax planning needs of clients in Kansas City. Joseph is dedicated to helping families establish estate plans tailored to the needs of each individual, helping people minimize taxes, avoid probate, and prepare for the possibility of future disability or incapacity. He also helps the entrepreneur start, maintain, and continue their business and prepare for the eventual transfer of that business – either through sale or by transfer to family members.

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