Estate Planning Basics Seminar
Tuesday, January 14th at 1:00 PM
Merriam Community Center, Kessler Room
6040 Slater St, Merriam, KS 66202
Why Should You Attend?
We will discuss some of the following:
How to Protect your Home from Long-Term Care Costs
The Difference between a Will and a Trust
How to Protect your Savings from Long-Term Care Costs
How to Avoid Probate
Protecting a Kid’s Inheritance
Why you Might Need a Power of Attorney and a Health Care Power of Attorney
Meet Our Presenters . . .
Johnathan Brown
Estate Planning Attorney
Johnathan joined Parman & Easterday in 2024. He serves the estate planning and probate needs of our Kansas City clients. He focuses on establishing estate plans tailored to the unique needs of each client while helping individuals and families minimize taxes, avoid probate, and prepare for the possibility of future disability or incapacity
Joseph Esry
Estate Planning Attorney
Joseph joined Parman & Easterday in 2017. He is serving the estate, business, and tax planning needs of clients in Kansas City. Joseph is dedicated to helping families establish estate plans tailored to the needs of each individual, helping people minimize taxes, avoid probate, and prepare for the possibility of future disability or incapacity. He also helps the entrepreneur start, maintain, and continue their business and prepare for the eventual transfer of that business – either through sale or by transfer to family members.